Talk to us today about finding the BEST solution for you and your home.

Annette from Launceston had numerous companies look at finding a heating solution for her.

She was disappointed that the majority pushed for expensive options of fully ducting the entire house, while she wanted just a part home solution. It wasn’t until she spoke with Jessups Solar Squad, that an ideal and less expensive option was discussed.

Most homes will benefit from your usual standard size heat pump or go fully ducted to bring warmth  to the entire house. Annette was after a more effective way other than shoving heat pumps on  many bedroom walls or ducting the entire house.

At Jessups, we often come across difficult installations however we never say the word impossible.

Home Owner Annette said:

Matt, one of Jessups installers, came up and looked around, I explained what I wanted as part of my home had a heat pump and I had no faith in what the other companies offered. Matt scratched his head and said he may have the solution. Matt contacted me later and gave me details of a ceiling cassette mounted flush in hallway ceiling. Although I had never heard of a cassette, let’s say it was a  perfect solution for the back part of my home and was right on the money” 

A Commercial Ceiling Cassette is quite common in offices or restaurants, they are installed in the ceiling providing the same heating method of both wall mounted heat pumps and ducted. The cassette provided to Annette is a Daikin, domestic style, 6 kilowatts of heating and has worked out  brilliantly.

Needless to say Annette was delighted with the outcome and gave Jessups a lot of praise by tackling what she was told was possibly . . . impossible!

Annette had this to say:

“I couldn’t believe that Jessups had a solution to a problem that I was told was too hard. My home is warm and cosy and the investment was far less than some of the other options given to me. What can I say, I highly recommend them for their doggedness to come up with a solution for me. Thank you so much”! 

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